5. The Hierophant
Tarot Basics

5. The Hierophant

The Hierophant or The High Priest is wise.  In some decks he looks like an elder wizard, in others he looks pope-like. There are many looks for him, but all remind us of an ancient wisdom: this wisdom comes from ancient knowledge.

Always notice the symbols in your cards:

Keys- unlocking secrets

The Cup- (water sign) feelings, emotions, creativity

The Sword- (air sign) intellect, communication, mindset

5. The Hierophant

Both figures are ritualistic, are they not? 

Think about your history or ancestors.  What stories or wisdom can you learn from them?  They are always with you- within you!  This could be spiritual wisdom. Perhaps take some time for meditation in whatever way that manifests for you. 

Listen to your magical lessons! Expand your knowledge.

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