7. The Chariot
Tarot Basics

7. The Chariot

Onward! What else could The Chariot tell you? Where is it you need to focus on? What needs your drive?

The charioteer is commanding two beasts- one black and one white. This shows me two opposing forces working towards a common goal. This needs great focus to keep everyone or everything in line. To reach the end product, you have to hit the GO button to some point!

Perhaps the drive behind the charioteer is in his “why”.

7. The Chariot

Life Coaching classes have taught me one thing: people can have goals, but without knowing exactly why they want to accomplish those goals, they won’t have the drive to put it in action. Do you need to ask yourself some serious questions to get your ass in gear?

Accomplishing goals, big or small, is no easy task. Don’t take it for granted! Getting out of bed in the morning can sometimes be a chore!

Put on your armor, just like the man in the card and focus. Do it. Find your “why” and forge on!

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