
Hello Everyone!

I am Limitless Witch, Melanie, an eclectic witch bound by no specific beliefs or practices. I have spent over 20 years studying different traditions and religions which has led me to be a cornucopia of everything I believe to be good! I believe we are all connected by the energy that ebbs and flows through this universe, so whatever we do, let’s make sure that energy is positive and of a high vibration!

Plant and animal magick are my specialties. I love being out in the dirt, planting and tending to new flowers! And I won’t complain; animals trust me whether they are tame or feral. I attract critters of all types.

When I was young, my mum used to have tarot readers come to the house and do readings for her friends. I was afraid to tell her when I got my first tarot deck because I wasn’t sure how she would respond. Over the years, my interest grew. As my psychic ability got stronger, my desire to help others through tarot or oracle cards also got stronger.

I have always been creative by nature. Writing stories is one of my favorite past times. Tarot is very much like writing a creative story using psychic ability! Hopefully, I can use this page as my magick contribution to the world.

Blessed Be,


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