Monthly Tarot Vision

April 2022 Tarot Vision

Aries (5 of Wands): Sometimes, doing things alone doesn’t give you the *push* you need. Sometimes, you need others to challenge you! Take this friendly push and use the energy to be better than ever. “I support others and they support me, and we rise together in accelerated harmony.”

Taurus (4 of Swords): You need to stop before the universe makes you stop. Sometimes we push, and push, and push without realizing the toll we are taking on our bodies, minds, and souls. If we don’t pause, something happens and we could end up sick or hurt. Get rest. “I give myself permission to slow down and heal.”

Gemini (Lovers): There may be some choices you have to make this month. You can give fully, but still hold on to yourself. Trust that you will make the right decision. “My heart is open to deeply meaningful relationships, and I expand into this union with loving trust.”

Cancer (7 of Wands): Do your thing! Don’t worry about the haters who have shown up once you’ve truly made it. Shine brighter every day! “I am deserving of the success and I will bravely shine my light into the world.”

Leo (6 of Pentacles): Think about the flow of abundance and take part in our own prosperity. Giving equates to receiving. This is not only truth for financial gains, but spreading joy, love, and being a compassionate human being. “I show gratitude for my life through generosity and compassion.”

Virgo (8 of Swords): Life is about perspective. You create your own happiness. You may not control what happens, but you can control how you react to things. Knowing that you will manifest your own life, what will you do now? “I am free to choose my healing and my light.”

Libra (Ace of Wands): This is a great month for your creativity. Ideas may flow to you freely if you are open to receive. Remember, we are all connected. Everything is connected. Don’t discount certain ideas you get just because they come from an odd source! “I seed my brilliant future with the roots of creativity and inspiration.”

Scorpio (5 of Swords): One step forward, two steps back. All moments define you, not just the bad! Learn from it, and with this knowledge you will always move forward even if you don’t feel it at first. “The lessons move me ahead, always.”

Sagittarius (King of Cups): Remain grounded and find that space between your head and your heart. This is where you will find the correct answers. You may have some help from a level-headed male who is great with the decision-making process. “My heart holds deep wisdom and love, and I use it to connect and lead.”

Capricorn (Knight of Pentacles): Have patience. Seeds don’t sprout overnight! Plant your seeds now and enjoy the process. You’ll learn more on the journey than you will by just arriving at the end. “Seed by seed, I plant my future with my rock-steady foundations of faith.”

Aquarius (Hermit): Shine bright and don’t get stuck in your inner sanctum. You have much wisdom to share. You know how to protect your energy; you can always go back into meditation if you need a reprieve. “Inner-sage Inner-mentor Inner-sage show me the brightest light so I may see with all my heart.”

Pisces (Page of Pentacles): With one foot on the ground and your head in the clouds, you move towards your goals with a level head. Keep planning. Keep dreaming. Keep going! “I can be practical and realistic and still run ahead to meet my dreams.”

This month’s deck and quoted text from The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne.

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