Monthly Tarot Vision

August 2022 Tarot Vision

Aries (9 of Cups): Count your blessings and have some fun! So much of what you’ve worked for or wished for has come to fruition. Enjoy this time. Get to know your feelings right now. This could be important information for the upcoming months.

Taurus (Ace of Cups): Something new is happening! Keep your thought positive and your space free of the old things that weigh you down. Balance is key here. You can have happiness in all aspects of your life if you work things right.

Gemini (Temperance): It’s been a long journey to get to where you are, but it’s finally time to let your freak flag fly! Alignment with yourself and the world you live in is possible when you stop trying to conform and just BE YOU. Great things are possible when you are comfortable with yourself and your surroundings.

Cancer (The Star): Stay true to yourself. Trust in the Universe and the messages you receive. There are no coincidences! Don’t be modest about your talents. Shine, baby, Shine! Keep yourself grounded and don’t float into the clouds, though!

Leo (9 of Swords): You are getting into your head too much. Anxiety is normal to an extent, but there is always a light at the end of the tunnel. See where that light leads! Talk to someone who can help you see your way out of the darkness. The revelation will be enlightening.

Virgo (8 of Swords): Are you really stuck? Or are you stuck my your own doing? Change your thoughts, change your life. It’s ok to hide away and take a breather to reassess things, but don’t cocoon yourself away for too long. Life goes on around you and there are beautiful things happening. You are protected while you are ruminating.

Libra (The Emperor): You can solve life’s problems on your own with discipline, dedication, and structure. Once you have everything in order, you will feel a sense of great accomplishment. This may be a time to reassess your systems to make more streamlined and to your benefit.

Scorpio (5 of Cups): Why are you looking behind you when there is so much ahead? The river keeps flowing, there are cups that are full, and yet you keep looking back in the rearview. STOP. There are still other opportunities for you. If something didn’t work out, it is because it wasn’t meant for you.

Sagittarius (7 of Pentacles): Sowing the seeds is hard work! But, look how far you have come! Take a break to admire what you have done so far, then get back at it with fresh eyes and a new perspective. Things are working out as planned.

Capricorn (Queen of Swords): You’ve broken free from the chains and are ready to protect what is yours. Get straight ot the point about what you want and go for it. Now is the time to follow your childhood dreams.

Aquarius (Page of Swords): You can do anything you put your mind to. Go for it! Show them what you can do.  Take the challenge and learn new things. The world is ready!

Pisces (2 of Pentacles): You need to find a balance within yourself. You tend to have a bit of a contradicting personality at times! Ok, so you are busy, but are you busy with the right things? Prioritize what you are doing. Be productive, not just “Busy”.

See how things match up for your sign this month in the August 2022 Tarot Vision. I would love to hear from you!


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