April 2022 Tarot Vision
Check out April's Tarot Vision on my website! What do you need to know for your zodiac sign?
March 2022 Tarot Vision
Aries (Ace of Pentacles): We’re still focusing on pentacles this month for you, Aries. The Ace is THE card of new prosperity, success, energy, and money. Don’t block yourself. Be open to receive and plant the seeds to secure your financial security. Remember to practice gratitude. Taurus (Justice): Acceptance is key this month. There has to be a sort of balance-a give and take- in life that most people aren’t happy to accept. Use your judgement to make the best decision for all involved. Accept that not everyone will be happy, but your decision is for the highest good. Gemini (The High Priestess): You’re extremely in tune with your inner…
February 2022 Tarot Vision
Aries (3 of Pentacles): Keep your eye on the prize! Don’t be too stubborn to accept any help that is offered to you. Goals usually require teamwork. Use any resources available to you! Taurus (5 of Pentacles): Looks can be deceiving. You may think “woe is me”, but your situation may serve you just fine right now. Look beyond your attitude. Remember your lessons about karma. Gemini (7 of Wands): Stop doubting yourself. Are you ready to stand up for what you believe in and move forward? GO FOR IT! Cancer (Queen of Cups): It might be time to go deep within yourself to find not only some peace, but…
January 2022 Tarot Vision
Aries (Ace of Swords): You may experience a breakthrough this month or gain clarity on something that has been bugging you. You’re ready now. Sorry you had to wait! Now you can move forward. Taurus (Page of Pentacles): January is a good time for starting new things or planting seeds. Get your plan in order and just begin! Nothing happens without the first step. Soon you’ll see your seeds grow. Gemini (6 of Swords): Time to start over or maybe find a new situation. This is a rite of passage, so have no fear. You are protected. Cancer (Wheel of Fortune): The wheel turns and a new opportunity arises. Will…
Tarot Symbols
When you are reading tarot, you want to take in all aspects of the card. Finding all the symbols is like a puzzle!
King of Swords
The King of Swords speaks the truth in black and white. There is no gray area like the Queen may give you with her compassion. He's a strong leader due to his communication skills. He is no BS!
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is strong. She has been through a lot, but she has come out strong and is not afraid to keep going. She is fully committed to living her own life, living truthfully and authentically.
Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is confident and bold, charging ahead, speaking his truths.
Page of Swords
After everything that has gone on, there is a lot of restless energy that needs put to good use. It's time to learn something new and not just a lesson the universe throws at you!
Ten of Swords
This is a hard card to see. The Ten of Swords is the rock bottom of cards. But look! There's a bright, new horizon out there that you just can't miss.