Three of Cups
Everything is connected. The Three of Cups shows that connection with your tribe, your soul friends, your people. These are the people who are with you through thick and thin.
Two of Cups
Connection is important, and this Two of Cups signifies a connection between two people. Sure, it could mean a new friendship or business relationship, but let's dig deeper.
Ace of Cups
This card is about emotional work. Open your heart and listen. It's time to get out of your head for once.
King of Wands
The King of Wands is a natural born leader- someone you can be proud of. This is the person who follows through on their promises and is there with you till the end.
Queen of Wands
The Queen of Wands lives a life she loves, and she owns who she is. She owns her flaws, her perfections, her past, and her future. She is completely secure in her being.
Knight of Wands
This card is full of confidence and infectious energy. There's a wild enthusiasm that comes with the Knight of Wands, and it draws people to this energy.
Page of Wands
A card of inspiration, the Page of Wands feels the fire ignited within and is ready to do something about it!
Ten of Wands
Overwhelm. We've taken on too much just by saying yes to everything that comes our way. It's time to ask for some help.
Nine of Wands
One more push. You're almost done. It's been a long road, but you can't stop now.
Eight of Wands
Movement, flow, messages! It's all right here, and it's time to go!