Tarot Basics
Five of Swords
Often we face a battle that has no winners. Now is that time.
Four of Swords
Take a break. Really give your brain a rest. There's been a lot going on and you have to take some time.
Three of Swords
Ouch. This one hurt. You're going to feel the heartbreak, but this will pass.
Two of Swords
How often can you say your mind is quiet? It's hard unless you can silence the people and things around you. There is a time to say no so you can listen to your inner voice.
Ace of Swords
The Ace of Swords can show you a truth you have been looking for. The a-ha moment you have been waiting for just appeared.
King of Cups
The King of Cups is full of emotional wisdom. He's seen it all and been through most of it. Trust him when he shows you something. He is a leader who can help you balance your own emotions.
Queen of Cups
The Queen of Cups has been through a lot emotionally. She is a survivor! She is in tune with the emotions of those around her, so don't try to hide! She will see you for who you truly are.
Knight of Cups
This is the classic falling in love card. BUT, we have to be careful not to lose ourselves in our adoration of someone else. The Knight of Cups can be a moody one.
Page of Cups
You know the Page is a curiosity card! This card explores magic in heart-centered things, not love, but things you love! There are fun and uninhibited emotions running through the Page of Cups.
Ten of Cups
Fulfillment. Enjoy this moment. This is a culmination of all your heart has worked towards. You've learned so much.