Monthly Tarot Vision

February 2022 Tarot Vision

Aries (3 of Pentacles): Keep your eye on the prize! Don’t be too stubborn to accept any help that is offered to you. Goals usually require teamwork. Use any resources available to you!

Taurus (5 of Pentacles): Looks can be deceiving. You may think “woe is me”, but your situation may serve you just fine right now. Look beyond your attitude. Remember your lessons about karma.

Gemini (7 of Wands): Stop doubting yourself. Are you ready to stand up for what you believe in and move forward? GO FOR IT!

Cancer (Queen of Cups): It might be time to go deep within yourself to find not only some peace, but some answers you’ve been looking for. First seek the solace, then find the answers.

Leo (9 of Pentacles): You have all that you need. Take a break and slow down. No one is forcing you to do anything but you! Know that you are protected and it’s ok to just stop for a bit.

Virgo (The Hierophant): You are who you were meant to be. Stop struggling. Have faith that everything is working out just as it should.

Libra (2 of Pentacles): Each of us has something to carry and each of us has to balance many aspects of our daily lives. Don’t ever feel that you are alone. There is an entire flock behind you!

Scorpio (The Chariot): Everything you do, say, or think causes a ripple effect. Energy you put out comes back to you. Remember this when you feel out of control. Focus and control your thoughts and movements.

Sagittarius (The World): You can’t skip step B to get to step C. Every step counts. When you finally get to an end, it’s time to begin again. Don’t fear new beginnings! They happen more often than you realize!

Capricorn (Page of Wands): Experiment, have fun, and learn. Now is the time to be creative. Don’t try to master your craft, just enjoy the process right now!

Aquarius (8 of Swords): Surrender your old ways, Time to see things a new way. You may feel vulnerable, but in time, you will feel stable again. Dig deep right now to get through this time.

Pisces (4 of Swords): Rest. Sometimes you need to let things happen around you and stop interfering. Acting before you are needed is a waste of energy and time.

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