Monthly Tarot Vision

March 2022 Tarot Vision

Aries (Ace of Pentacles): We’re still focusing on pentacles this month for you, Aries. The Ace is THE card of new prosperity, success, energy, and money. Don’t block yourself. Be open to receive and plant the seeds to secure your financial security. Remember to practice gratitude.

Taurus (Justice): Acceptance is key this month. There has to be a sort of balance-a give and take- in life that most people aren’t happy to accept. Use your judgement to make the best decision for all involved. Accept that not everyone will be happy, but your decision is for the highest good.

Gemini (The High Priestess): You’re extremely in tune with your inner voice or spiritual core this month. It may seem like you see things before they manifest. Your insight touches not only you, but the collective. Don’t let anger block your intuition this month. The answers you need, you already know.

Cancer (10 of Cups): Another sip from the cups this month for you, Cancer. This card signifies love and harmony. Hopefully, you are experiencing everything you’ve wished. You’ve sown the seeds, now enjoy the harvest! Remember, this doesn’t have to only signify love in the familial sense, it could be another form of abundance. Satisfaction is yours!

Leo (Ace of Cups): Remember, when you share love with the world, you experience unconditional love from within yourself. You may be experiencing some new emotions or a new way of seeing things. This is a new beginning. Something you have been waiting for is here.

Virgo (5 of Swords): We can learn valuable lessons in the heat of battle. That is the double edge of the sword. Were you expecting too much of someone or something and they disappointed you? It’s time to get past the pain of whatever might have happened and let it go. Change must happen or you’re just going to continue the battle.

Libra (3 of Pentacles): Moving on from the 2 from last month, we are in the 3 of Pentacles this month! You are gaining the skills you need to climb up in life. There is no limit to what you can bring to the table! Keep planning and manifest what it is you desire.

Scorpio (3 of Swords): Purge your feelings now so you can come into joy. This is a card of severance. This separation was needed, so expect a positive result even if you don’t see it yet. Do not hold on to the past. Let it go!!

Sagittarius (King of Swords): Communicate honestly with others this month. Cut the shit. Don’t make emotional decisions. Someone who you respect may be of counsel this month. No matter the situation, clear, direct communication is key.

Capricorn (7 of Wands): Define yourself. Don’t listen to how others define you. Fight for what you believe in. You’ve held back long enough, your determination will help you overcome obstacles this month.

Aquarius (Queen of Pentacles): It’s time to value your accomplishments, but remember not to cling to material things. Connect to your community. What you put out, comes back to you. The Queen represents a generous woman. She also represents harvest, wisdom, and security.

Pisces (9 of Wands): Your inner strength is put to the test and you’ve put up boundaries. You’re protecting your territory. Though you may be resilient, it sucks to always have to be that way. Since this is a 9, or ending, card, your job is done. Don’t forget to get out and have fun. Let go for a bit.

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