September Tarot Vision
Monthly Tarot Vision

September 2022 Tarot Vision

Aries (9 of Pentacles): Look around at all you have created. Feel satisfaction in knowing that you can create security and financial independence with the abundance you have created. Make a plan to invest or map out a plan to make your finances work for you. Enjoy the fruits of your labor! This is an excellent cycle for you.

Taurus (Page of Cups): Your creativity is flowing right now and with that, a new idea may bring an unexpected opportunity. Keep an eye out, as the unexpected can be mistaken for something you might not think is for you! But, if you want to pursue it, go for it!

Gemini (King of Wands): Don’t be surprised if people flock to you this month to help them reach a common goal, whether it be a family thing or at work. You have a way of bringing people together and seeing a way of making things happen. It must be your social skills!

Cancer (3 of Cups): Reach out to your besties and celebrate your wins! Collaborate on some ideas to move forward on your dreams. Let those creative juices flow! Inspire each other with positive energy. Gathering with peers who are understanding of where and who you are in life is soul cleansing!

Leo (5 of Cups): Maybe things didn’t turn out quite like you expected, but don’t let that get you down. There are still plenty of opportunities to fit your life plan. What’s meant for you will be, so don’t beat yourself up and don’t dwell in the past! Move forward with chin held high!

Virgo (Knight of Swords): You are ready to cut through the crap and dive right in! Use your communication skills and talent for fact finding to make sure you aren’t acting on impulse before charging forward. Once you are sure, go!

Libra (The Hanged Man): You may need to take a step back and look at things from a different perspective. Sometimes, the answers we seek are right in front of our face; we just need to turn our head a bit! Take some time to contemplate how you can make things work differently or accept a different point of view. You may just have a revelation.

Scorpio (8 of Cups): It’s time to move on. Walk away from the negativity or what has been holding you back. There is no shame in thinking of yourself. It’s been long enough. It’s time to find a better way.

Sagittarius (Ace of Wands): This is a time of growth and significant possibility. You have the motivation to put ideas into motion and make things happen. Keep focused and know that every step is a lesson in how to make it all happen like you want!

Capricorn (Wheel of Fortune): Don’t be afraid of change. Most of the time, we are unaware of how often things change around us, but it happens all the time. It’s a delicate balance, a dance, that the Universe performs to get us and keep us on track. Watch for synchronicities or signs that show you that you are on the right path. Change is good! Welcome it!

Aquarius (The Hermit): Take some time for meditation or just some time away from the everyday tasks or people you usually encounter. You are seeking answers that can be answered if you listen to your soul. Learn a little about yourself without the influence of the outside world. Put down the electronics, go outside, walk. Focus on all five senses as you walk. What do you feel? Hear? Smell? Taste? See? Really listen to the tiny things around you and within you. Do a walking meditation every day for a few days to see if you find your answer.

Pisces (Knight of Pentacles): Your routines and hard work have been paying off. A little planning goes a long way! Keep up the good work. There is no need to change your system if it is working for you and has gotten you this far. If you notice anything that you are not using, anything that is not helping you on your path, let it go.

Let me know as the month goes on how the cards worked for you! Happy September!

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