King of Swords
The King of Swords speaks the truth in black and white. There is no gray area like the Queen may give you with her compassion. He's a strong leader due to his communication skills. He is no BS!
Queen of Swords
The Queen of Swords is strong. She has been through a lot, but she has come out strong and is not afraid to keep going. She is fully committed to living her own life, living truthfully and authentically.
Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is confident and bold, charging ahead, speaking his truths.
Page of Swords
After everything that has gone on, there is a lot of restless energy that needs put to good use. It's time to learn something new and not just a lesson the universe throws at you!
Ten of Swords
This is a hard card to see. The Ten of Swords is the rock bottom of cards. But look! There's a bright, new horizon out there that you just can't miss.
Nine of Swords
Laying awake overthinking things and getting more anxious by the hour is no fun. What is nagging at you?
Eight of Swords
Insecurity exists, and it's hard to admit when we're feeling this way. Maybe you're just feeling stuck, and that stuck energy is making you doubt yourself. We have to break free from the self-doubt.
Seven of Swords
Someone is holding back. Is it you or someone else? There is some level of dishonesty at play and you need to decide if it is coming from you or from someone around you.
Six of Swords
It's time to move forward. Yep! Easier said than done, but it's time to embrace the lessons you've learned and prepare for changes.
Five of Swords
Often we face a battle that has no winners. Now is that time.